Chiropractic Services



Neck Pain

Back Pain

Shoulder pain

Hip & Knee pain

Sports Injuries



Our chiropractic services are customized to help you with a wide variety of injuries. People become patients to lose their headaches, regain proper function, reduce neck pain, back pain, maintain spinal health, and other chiropractic benefits.

What is Chiropractic?

Chiropractors are a part of the largest primary care professions in Ontario. Chiropractic is a conservative, hands-on health care discipline that focuses on spine, musculoskeletal system, and nervous system.

Medical doctors, dentists, optometrists, psychologists, and chiropractors are the only five health professions that can perform and communicate a diagnosis and use the title “Doctor” in Ontario.

Chiropractors practice a manual approach, providing diagnosis, treatment and preventive care for disorders related to the spine, joints of the body, and nervous system. Chiropractors also concentrate on treating the body as a whole and utilize nutrition, patient education, postural assessment, exercise, and lifestyle guidance to help patients realize their full health potential. Chiropractors use a combination of treatments tailored to the specific needs of the individual patient. Patients can expect a complete history to fully understand the patient and a diagnosing for treatment direction.

For many conditions, such as lower back and neck pain, chiropractic care is frequently the primary method of treatment. In relation to other conditions, chiropractic care may complement or support medical treatment by relieving the musculoskeletal aspects associated with the condition.

How does Chiropractic work?

Chiropractic is a profession that seeks to reveal the cause of a problem and fix it rather than cover up symptoms. Rather than attempting to cover up symptoms or waiting for them to go away on their own, it is far more advantageous to explore why symptoms are present and receive chiropractic treatment to address the underlying issue(s).

By correcting the joint restrictions, muscle irritations and dysfunction of the body through chiropractic adjustments, soft tissue techniques, rehabilitative exercise, and stretches; chiropractic care works to improve the general well-being of the patient.

No matter what your situation, Dr. Turner will tailor a treatment plan that is unique to your goals. Everyone is different, responds differently, and has different expectations when it comes to health care. Dr. Turner will take the time to explain and teach you what you need to know to improve your health and empower you with knowledge. Taking care of your health is not only important for the present but also an investment for the years to come.




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