Regardless of having a whiplash injury or a concussion the sooner, you start to rehab the issue, the sooner your recovery. So, even if you just knocked your head on the car frame while getting out of the car or slipped and fell, landing on your back, it is important to get checked out by a health professional skilled in musculoskeletal conditions. Obtain a diagnosis and follow a treatment guideline. Once your certain of the diagnosis, follow these three easy exercises for whiplash and post-concussion symptoms.

Often the muscles and joints of the neck become tight, weak, and painful due to a whiplash or concussion injury. Tight shortened muscles can have a compressing effect on the nervous system that can effect the head and neck. By lengthening and strengthening the injured muscles, the nervous system has a chance to recover, muscle pain starts to go away, and range of motion will improve. This will help to reduce the symptoms related to whiplash and concussion.Â
The video below will walk you through Dr. T’s Big three exercises to strengthen and lengthen the muscles of the neck.Â
- The first exercise the neck bridge. Now, this is similar to a normal bridge. The difference is that instead of supporting yourself on the back, you use your neck. While using a bench, place only the back of the head on the edge of the bench. Place your feet under your knees in the bridge position and lift your hips up so that your body is flat from your head to your knees. Try to hold this position for 10 seconds, then drop back down to the floor. Repeat this three times for 10 seconds. If you find this too difficult, move back further onto the bench so your neck and maybe a small part of your upper back are touching the bench.
- The second exercise is the lateral neck curls. While lying on your side with your arm tucked under your torso and neck in a neutral position, slowly bend your neck down to bring the ear close to the shoulder, then move the neck back up to bring the ear towards the other shoulder. Repeat this lateral movement up and down for three sets of 10 reps.
- The third exercise I call the unsupported neck rolls. In a prone position, with your head unsupported and in neutral, rotate your head from shoulder to the next in a controlled motion. Repeat this movement back and forth 10 times for three sets.Â
When you have completed Dr. T’s Big Three neck exercises and would like to challenge yourself more, visit The Iron Neck for a awesome device to take your rehab to the next level.Â